How to learn prepositions of place?

20 Where Questions

1.    Think of a location.
2.    Ask your child Where am I?
3.    Have your child ask you 20 yes or no questions to figure out where you are.
Example Questions:

  • Are you on the ground?
  • Are you in the air?
  • Are you near water?
  • Are you inside a building?
  • Are you behind something?
  • Is there something above you?

4.    If your child still hasn’t figured out your location, let him take his best guess before telling him.
5.    Now it’s your turn to guess your child’s location.



What do prepositions do?

What Do Prepositions Do?

Prepositions describe the relationships between words.

 Preposition of place answer questions of where.

The moon is in the sky. Where is the moon? It is in the sky.

Preposition of time answer questions of when and how long.

They played chess after playing checkers.   When did they play chess? After playing checkers.

I slept over five hours. How long did you sleep? Over five hours.

